jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2024

De la 'biblia' merinista.

Charles MASSY [*]

THE AUSTRALIAN MERINO - The story of a nation - [2da, edición]

North Sydney, NSW: Random House Australia Pty Ltd, 2007.

XXII+1262 pp.

7 partes; 45 capítulos; 2 apéndices; glosario, notas, bibliografía.

The Australian Merino
Vista parcial (contratapa) - ISBN 978-1-74166-692-2

FOREWORD - por el Dr. Ken Ferguson, CSIRO.
INTRODUCTION - 'The Merino sheep and the wool industry are synonymous with Australia."
Part 1 FOUNDATION - 9000 BC-1820 AD
North Africa and Spain. The Rise of the Wool Cloth Industry: 1100-1750. The Golden Fleece in the North: Spain and England. The Merino Leaves Spain, The Merino Reaches Australia. First Attempts at Merino Breeding.
Part 2 CONSTRUCTION - 1820-1850
Chalked out on a Wall: The Genesis of Modern Domestic Animal Breeding, The European Legacy: The Genesis of Stud Merino Breeding. Stallion Rams for the Colonies. The Genesis of Commercial Ram or Stud Breeding in Australia. Along the Pathways of the Sun. Boom and Bust. The New Professionalism. 
The Midlands and Mudgee. Settling the Riverina.
Part 3 RE-CREATION - 1850-1880 The Golden Fleece in the South
Industrial Revolution and the Re-birth of the Worsted Cloth Industry. The Mount Emu Creek Region. The Peppins on Wanganella. Hard as Warrigals. The Right Nick. Bred for the Pure Money. Constitution, Constitution and Constitution. Bungaree
Part 4 ORIENTATION 1880-1910
Wanganella under Austin and Millear. Boonoke and the Peppin Daughter Studs 1878-1900. Uardry. 'From Common Bakers to Confectioners': Fine Wool Studs in Tasmania and Victoria. Non-Peppin Merino Studs. Crisis. Wrinkles and Oil. Dénouement. 
Part 5 CONSOLIDATION - 1910-1950
The Falkiner Empire. The Austins and Wanganella. Peppin Blood in New South Wales. Non-Peppin Studs in New South Wales. South Australia. Queensland and the Northern Territory. Western Australia. Revival in Victoria and Tasmania. 
Part 6 RETROSPECTION - Merino Evolution to 1950
Australian Merino Evolution to 1950. The Sheepclasser. The Impact Studmasters. 
Part 7 DESTINATION? - 1950 to the Present Day
Woolgrowing and Merino Breeding after 1950: I. The Market Environment and Response. Science, the Merino Breeder and the Market. Woolgrowering an Merino Breeding after 1950: II. Meandering Towards the Twenty-first century. Conclusion. 
APPENDIX 1 - Gene Flow Chart 1: The Making of the PEPPIN MERINO
                          Gene Flow Chart 2: The Making of the SOUTH AUSTRALIAN MERINO
APPENDIX 2 - Table 1: Evolution of the Merino: Changes in key characteristics over time.
                          Table 2: Evolution of the fine wool Merino sheep.
                          Table 3: Fleece Data.

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